Sunday, March 16, 2008


Just like any other disability, myths are floating all around. With the internet being public domain it is hard to find what is fact and what is fiction. In into society the first place people run to find information is online. And people, who do not know a lot about a topic seem to assume these different ideas because of what they have heard, believe a movie that they saw, or find falsehood on different websites.

So I decided to find the common myths about autism that are floating around. The website has actually found seven common myths and has explained why each is false. There are definitely more, but the seven most common myths seem to be:

1. Autistic people are all alike
2. Autistic people don’t have feelings
3. Autistic people don’t build relationships
4. Autistic people are a danger to society
5. All autistic people are savants
6. Autistic people have no language skills
7. Autistic people can’t to much of anything

All of these seem extremely harsh and degrading; however, people who do not know what is fact and fiction may truly believe this. So let’s put these myths to rest. These are ALL FALSE!

Rudy, J. (2008). Autism Myths. Retrieved March 11, 2008 from

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