Sunday, March 23, 2008

How Autism is Diagnosed

I have given both the definition of autism and the signs and symptoms that occur with this disability, how I decided that a clearer idea of the process of the diagnoses was an important idea to included within this blog.

Since the disability is usually diagnosed by the age of three, parents observations are one of the main parts of the diagnoses. Once the parents have concluded that something seems wrong with the child they then complete an evaluation with the doctor. This evaluation consists of a list of questions about the child, screening instruments, and doctors observations. If the majority of the questions seem true the doctor will then complete a more thorough and comprehensive evaluation.

However, since Autism is so complex, a comprehensive evaluation requires a multidisciplinary team including a psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist, and other professionals. The different members will conduct thorough neurological assessments and in-depth cognitive and language testing. A hearing test is also administered because hearing problems can cause behavior and learning delays that can be mistaken for autism. After all the tests are completed the doctors will come up with a diagnoses, contact the parents, and explain their findings from there.


Autism Society of America. (2008). Diagnoses and Consultation. Retrieved March 18, 2008 from (2008). Screening and Diagnosis of Autism. Retrieved March 18, 2008 from

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