Sunday, March 30, 2008

Inspirational Stories

The first reaction that many people have when they find out that a loved one is diagnosed with autism is shock, depression, and even denial. Many do not know where to go from there or even how to treat or reacted to that child now. This is a scary thought, yet even worse is when a person does not believe that person will be able to succeed in anything. However, I have found three inspirational stories of people and their loved ones who have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum and who have all found success in different ways.

First there is Jeff a father of four who found out that his twin boys were both autistic.

Then there is Kerry a college freshman who has been battling Autism since he was four.

Lastly, a grandmother, Ruth Elaine, who was diagnosed when she was just 18 months old, even before they truly new what autism was.


Autsim Society of America. (2008). Retrieved MArch 17, 2008 from

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