Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Autism Advocacy

It seems like no matter the topic, event, or even person, if there is information out there, there will also be an advocacy site accompanying. Since information posted on the Internet is public domain people who create advocacy website can do so whether it is for a good cause or not. As I was conducting research I came along the Autism of America Advocacy website and wanted to share it because this was a sincere and truthful advocacy.

These advocacy has been helping and working with autistic children for over 30 years now and have been able to raise millions of dollars for research and services. As the website states, "Leaders and staff have had success in launching of a number of pieces of legislation aimed at protecting the rights of individuals with autism, legislation mandating education and other services for individuals with autism, bills to raise awareness about autism, and bills appropriating funds for research into the causes of and treatments for autism."

This is a truly amazing advocacy, one out there for a good cause. One that helps. One that succeeds. One that is truthful. And one that needs to be known so these children can be treated, so that they can live the best life possible!


Autsim Society of America. (2008).Advocacy Efforts. Retrieved MArch 17, 2008 from

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